1. 欢迎顾客:
- Welcome to our restaurant. 欢迎光临我们的餐厅。
- Hello, how may I assist you today? 你好,我可以帮助你点菜吗?
2. 帮助点餐:
- What would you like to order? 你想点什么菜?
Eating OutLast night we went to eat in a little restaurant near our school. It was not a good time for us to get there as we could find a seat. So we had to wait for about half an hour in front of a table which was in use by four customers.When we sat down and started to order from the menu, we were told that three dishes we ordered were not ***ailable as the materials for these dishes were all used up. What a dis***ointment! We had no choice but to order a meat dish of spare-ribs and a vegetable dish of greens together with a bowl of rice for each of us. We were still hungry after the meal so we had to h***e some instant noodles after we returned to our dorm.
1. 拆分联想:将“restaurant”拆分成“rest”(休息)和“aurant”,您可以联想在饭店里可以休息和享受美食。
2. 发音记忆:多重复这个单词的发音,熟悉它的读音规律,有助于记忆拼写。
3. 造句记忆:用“restaurant”造几个句子,比如“I had dinner at a nice restaurant last night.”(昨晚我在一家不错的饭店吃了晚餐。)通过使用单词来加深记忆。
4. 图像记忆:在脑海中构建一个饭店的画面,同时说出“restaurant”这个单词,将图像和单词联系起来。
5. 与相似单词对比:比如“cafeteria”(自助餐厅),对比它们的拼写和含义,强化对“restaurant”的记忆。